honestly, this week was probably one of the worst weeks so far.
parents constantly on my case, school is just..school, and im still really stress about the future...
its terrifying not knowing if you'll get into college or where you'll end up after high school.
i mean i cant wait to get out of high school but really? were now beginning our lifes.
beginning the next step to our careers. and what if i dont make it in the music world?
or what if photojournalism goes down the drain? yeah overthink things too much.
but this friday when i least expected it, i was talking to one of my best friends derek
and told him how i wanted to be a wedding photographer. He told me how his company
was looking for a photographer and how he DOES weddings!
honestly if i didn't go into the media room that day i probably wouldn't have talked to him about it.
...fate? hahaha everything happens for a reason whether good or bad.
and when the bad comes along, theres always something good that God brings your way.
and honestly why am i so worried about the future?
one of my best friends mariel put it really well
"God will lead me to where i am ment to be."
whatever you're ment to do, you'll do it.
just have the drive, passion, and try your hardest to get there.
you never know what might happen.