i love post a secret <3
The moment I stepped foot on stage, took a breath, and sang my first note, I knew it was where I belonged. Music is universal. No matter what background you come from or what language you speak, you can communicate through music and it brings people together. Music is important to me because it is one of the many ways I can express myself. After all your hard work and determination, when you perform, you give back to the audience what you have received from your experience with music.
When you perform, an incredible feeling builds up within you.
It fills every fiber of your body, waiting to explode like fireworks on the Fourth of July.
This feeling is what drives you and helps you hit that high B flat stunningly and with ease.
It is what makes you cry after hearing how beautiful the choir sounds together, knowing how hard everyone worked.
It is what makes you smile from ear to ear after the last note is cut off while everyone is standing and cheering with joy.
I am so blessed to be a part of the San Marino Chamber Choir.
This piece is Leonardo Dreams Of His Flying Machine by Eric Whitacre.
Take a listen and tell me what you think :]
We have a concert coming up at Disney Hall on March 10.
Btw i LOVE Eric Whitacre pieces :P