i am constantly encountering so many friends that deserve so much more. They end up getting hurt by the guy they have been going out with for a year, who ends up going for another girl. They constantly fight with the guy and he ends up treating them badly and even using them. Or there is just a lack of love in general. To all of you, i know its hard. I KNOW. Sometimes you find a guy that's everything you've ever wanted, but hes just not interested or doesn't even know how you feel. Or sometimes you pour your heart out for a year and in the end he ends up stabbing you in the back. Its unfortunate that we have to encounter these type of hardships. But i believe that with these hardships comes a step forward. You'll take what you've learned from this and one day when you find 'the one' you'll be able to create the greatest relationship possible. Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes you have to fall to climb back up again. When everything seems to just come crashing down, don't get frustrated, it can only go up from here. Life is full of surprises. When you least expect it something can happen good or bad. And there is nothing we can do to control it. BUT there is something we can do from here. Move forward and just LIVE. Each day is a new beginning and a blessing. Your life is yours to live. Make choices, try to live with no regrets, cherish friendships and gain friendships, and love and be loved. Don't ever lose who you really are because that is a beautiful soul<3
"Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason"