weekends. weekends. weekends. gotta love them :]<3

NO SUMMER SCHOOL! YES! but i had to work. 11am-10pm straight. Thankfully, i made up to 1400 in sales. Business has been really slow so thats pretty good for these hard times. Well, after work I went to Blockbuster for the first time in a really looong time haha and rented some movies and bought popcorn :] It was about 12am and vivian came over and we watched the movie Milk for government. I was so exhausted and sadly fell asleep before the ending which was the whole reason I wanted to watch it in the first place. I've been doing that alot lately. I watch So You Think You Can Dance on thursday and fell asleep right before the elimination..stupid huh?

Fourth of July was a holiday well spent. I hung out with my two favorite girls, Mariel and Carol and we saw fireworks in LA. "I'M IN LA TRICKKKKK" What more could you ask for? Whenever im with these girls its ALWAYS a new adventure. I could not imagine my life without them :]<3 not a second goes by without laughter when im with them. “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.” Then after our amazing adventure I came home and decided to watch Slumdog Millionaire for the first time with my daddy. It was such a great movie! Now i know why everyone was taking about it so much. My dad kind of fell asleep during the ending because it was pretty late but i explained it to him afterwards.

and now im here writing this blog at 230am, listening to music, and i cannot fall asleep. I really dont want to go to summer school tomorrow and i have no clue how im going to wake up! Why call it summer when you have school still? lol. I really want this summer to last a really long time. Senior year is going to be so stressful.
well, i better try to fall asleep now and stop rambling or else i wont wake up for summer school,
goodnight world.
"it’s a totally mixed up world we live in. its all very confusing. i certainly don’t understand it, but i find it beautiful nonetheless" -marc jacobs<3